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税 & 激励

Opportunity Zones: Prospectus

Putnam County is home to Florida’s premier Opportunity Zones. 这三个区域,两个在帕拉特卡,一个在新月城,是开发和投资的黄金地段. 普特南县商会制定了以下招股说明书,作为突出和营销该县机会区的工具. 看看下面的招股说明书,了解更多关于该县和每个区域的人口和经济数据,并了解为什么投资普特南县是一个绝佳的机会.

Opportunity Zones: Interactive Map

这个交互式地图是普特南县财产评估师的产品,可以用来查找全县的财产信息. To see information about properties located in Putnam County’s three Opportunity Zones, apply the “Opportunity Zones” layer in the Layer List at the bottom of the map. Users can also filter zoning and land use data for the county, the City of Palatka, and the City of 新奥尔良市. For more information on available properties, contact the Putnam County 室 of Commerce.

State 激励

The tax environment in Florida is very favorable.  Florida does not have corporate franchise tax, personal state income tax or taxes on inventories or foreign income.  Florida is also a “Right-to-Work” state.  Employees are not required to join a union, and employment may be terminated “at will” by either employee or employer.

Capital Investment Tax Credit (§220.191, F.S.). 目标是刺激对佛罗里达州高影响力行业(根据佛罗里达州法规定义)的资本投资。.  It is used to attract and grow capital-intensive industries in Florida: clean energy, biomedical technology, financial services, information technology, silicon technology, transportation equipment manufacturing, or a corporate headquarters facility.  Annual credit, provided for up to 20 years, against the corporate income tax.

Rural Job Tax Credit. 这是一项鼓励位于佛罗里达州36个合格农村地区之一的合格企业创造新就业机会的激励措施. Five million dollars of tax credits may be approved in a calendar year. The tax credit provides for $1,每个合格的员工,000美元,只能采取对佛罗里达州企业所得税或佛罗里达州销售和使用税. 根据本节规定,企业在任何一个日历年内可获得高达50万美元的税收抵免. 提供这些税收抵免是为了鼓励有意义的就业机会,这将提高就业人员的生活质量,并鼓励佛罗里达州农村地区新的和现有企业的经济扩张.

*Putnam County is a qualified county

Qualified Target Industry Tax Refund (§288.106, F.S.). 目标是在目标行业为佛罗里达人吸引新的高质量、高工资的工作.  $3,000 tax refund per new job created; jobs must be more than 115% of the county’s average annual wage.

Job creation is verified before tax refund is given to company.


Brownfield Redevelopment Bonus Refunds (§288.107, F.S.).  其目的是为了刺激奖金返还指定棕地地区的就业岗位和资本投资. 有资格获得奖金退款的棕地地区是指与环境保护部或由环境保护部授权的地方政府签订了第5条规定的修复协议的棕地地区. 376.第80条及在棕地区内由地方政府根据第5条决议指定的任何毗邻的不动产地块. 376.80.

The Brownfield Redevelopment Bonus is available to any eligible company, including those that do not fall under one of the targeted industries.  Approved applicants receive tax refunds up to $2,500 for each job created.


High Impact Business Performance Incentive Grant.  这是一项协商的激励措施,用于在佛罗里达州吸引和发展大型高影响力设施. 经济机会部(Department of Economic Opportunity, DEO)指定的某些高影响力行业的申请人,可获预先批准。. Once recommended by Enterprise Florida, Inc. (EFI) and approved by DEO, 高影响力的企业在开始运营时获得50%的合格赠款,在实现充分就业和资本投资目标后获得剩余的赠款.

Machinery and Equipment Sales Tax Exemption.  这是一种销售和使用税的豁免,适用于向客户收取的与维护或修理有关的劳动费用:

  • New Manufacturers - In order to qualify for the new business exemption, the machinery and equipment must have been purchased, or a purchase agreement made, 在企业首次开始生产库存或立即销售的产品之前. 购买的机器和设备必须在生产开始之日起十二个月内收到.
  • Expanding Manufacturers - Industrial machinery and equipment is exempt from tax when purchased by an expanding business.
  • Mining Activities - Machinery and equipment

Semi-Conductor Defense and Space Technology Tax Exemption (§212.08, F.S.).  目标是支持技术型公司继续投资于关键的先进技术机械和设备,并支持这些高价值的保留和增长, high-wage industries.  Businesses involved in semiconductor, 国防和航天技术产品均有资格申请免征销售税许可证, valid for two years, on the purchase of machinery and equipment. 大多数公司在政府国防和航天合同中使用这种免税竞标,必须保持较低的间接成本,以保持竞争力并赢得这些利润丰厚的合同.  This incentive helps companies achieve this goal.

Quick Response Training.  Quick Response Training, administered by CareerSource Florida, 是否有国家资助的资助项目,为符合条件的企业提供培训新员工的资金, full-time employees. Grant funding is provided as a performance-based reimbursable grant, 12-month maximum term, for customized, skills-based training. 快速反应培训适用于佛罗里达州目标行业的新企业或扩张企业. These industries are typically high-skill industries, produce exportable goods or services and have wages of 125%以上 state or local wages.

Local 激励

There are 3 Opportunity Zones located in Putnam County where private investments, under certain conditions, may be eligible for capital gain tax incentives.  机会区是根据2017年减税和就业法案设立的,旨在刺激经济发展和创造就业机会, by incentivizing long-term investments in designated areas.
